Wednesday, February 20, 2013

NEW Teaching Series: Sunday PM


Each one of us faces a battle within, a battle that may go unseen by those around, but inside there is major brawl. It’s a battle with temptation. And depending on the temptation and its hold on your life, it may be a battle that seems impossible to win. In this series, we take a look at the temptations Jesus faced in the desert, and identifies the driving forces behind the temptations we all face every day. Because once you realize what the pull is behind the temptation, you can find the confidence to follow Jesus’ example and respond as He did. 

Week 1: The Main Event (February 24th)
Bottom Line: In every single temptation you face, there is always more at risk than you think.

In the sport of boxing, the main event is the big fight, the moment where everything is on the line. But for most of us, we are oblivious to the truth that in every temptation we face, there’s a lot at stake as well. When face to face with temptation, the choice feels insignificant sometimes. There are times when it feels like no one will notice, or it’s not really a big deal. But in looking at the temptations Jesus faced, we realize just how much is at stake—not only in His life, with the temptations that were before Him—but in our lives as well, with the ones we face every day.

Week 2: Fixing the Fight (March 3rd)
Bottom Line: We are tempted to believe we know how God works and how we think we can work Him.

In the boxing world, sometimes things aren’t always what they seem. Sometimes the winner is known before anyone walks into the ring. Sometimes the outcome is pre-determined by a person who has manipulated things behind the scene. Sometimes a fighter takes a dive. Sometimes a boxer throws the fight. And if each one of us were completely honest, sometimes we try to work things as well in our fight with temptation. And who or what we are manipulating isn’t the temptation, it’s God.

Week 3: Hook and Jab (March 10th)
Bottom Line: We are tempted to pursue the right thing the wrong way.

Temptation doesn’t always have to be about doing something bad. In fact, sometimes it’s not the end result that’s not necessarily a bad thing, but how we plan to get there. It’s the shortcut, the path, the compromise. And in this fight, this struggle with temptation, sometimes the punches we throw and the ones thrown at us are simply about pursuing the right things but in the wrong way.   


Over the next three weeks, our group is looking at the temptations each of us face, and digging down deeper to figure out the real issues. For teens, those temptations may look differently from the ones you face. In fact, one of the biggest temptations you may have is a tension that you may live with every day. It’s the tension between work and home. Whether you are in the workplace or working at home, there’s a struggle between the time you spend on the things you have to do versus the time you have to spend with your child. It’s that constant tug of war between what you have to do to get ahead in the workplace versus what it takes to really invest in your family.

Since there are only 24 hours in a day, something has to give. Someone has to lose out. Taking time for one thing takes time away from something else. And the only way to invest more time in one thing is to cheat the other thing. So whom are you going to cheat? Are you going to cheat your workplace or that show-ready home? Or are you going to cheat your family?

There will always be a project. There will always be an e-mail in your inbox. There will always be a phone call to return. But the time you have right now with your spouse, with your child, is limited. And when you think of the big picture, you’re the only one who can be a dad to your kids. You’re the only one who can be a mom to your kids. You’re the only who can be a husband to your wife, or a wife to your husband.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

JH: Winter Retreat Parent & Student Dialogue

Winter Retreat Parent Cue Questions

Questions for parents and teenagers to dialogue together, naturally.  Don't press them into answer any of all of these questions, but may they be great lead-in questions for dialogue between you and your teen.  

Before the Trip:
  • What are you most looking forward to on the Winter Retreat? Why?
  • The Winter Retreat’s theme this year is Sketch, what do you think they’ll be talking about?
  • Where do you want to hear from God this weekend?
  • What is on your heart & mind this week before heading on this trip?
  • What is something you have not been able to give over to God (that’s been weighing on you)?
  • Is there anything you want to change in your life?
  • What were some high and low points today?
  • How can I be praying for you as you are gone?

After the Weekend:
  • Where did God speak to you this weekend? (What did God reveal to you this weekend?)
  • How have your passions changed or been encouraged from this weekend? 
  • Describe your top highlights from this weekend.
  • Describe something new you experienced this weekend.
  • Did you try anything that you never thought you would do?  Why do you think you tried it?  How did it turn out?
  • What stories stick out to you the most from the speaker?
  • What did you feel the speaker was trying to communicate this weekend?
  • What do you now understand that you didn’t before? (i.e. something in the Bible, what God desires of us, how I am to act/think)
  • You’ve talked about wanting to be and live differently.  What would it look like for you to live differently at school? At home? With your friends? Alone?
  • Weekends like this are great opportunities for a commitment to change, is there anything you thought about or did commit to this weekend?
  • What will you specifically do now to ensure what you gained from this weekend will create long term change? (What are specific, practical steps for change?) 
  • How can I encourage you and help keep you accountable in this?  Is there someone else who you would like to keep you accountable?
  • Is there anything I can do differently to help you?
  • How did you see God working this weekend?
  • From this weekend, what is the “next step” moving forward for you?
  • How can I be praying for you?